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Il est normal de se sentir nerveux face à une situation difficile, y compris un entretien d'embauche, un test difficile ou même un premier rendez-vous. Cependant, si vos inquiétudes et vos angoisses vous empêchent de vivre votre vie comme vous le souhaiteriez, vous souffrez peut-être d'un trouble anxieux.

Il existe plusieurs formes distinctes de troubles anxieux tels que: le trouble d'anxiété généralisée (TAG), les crises de panique et le trouble panique, le trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC), les phobies et les peurs irrationnelles, le trouble d'anxiété sociale, le trouble de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) et Trouble d'anxiété de séparation.

Identifier le problème et réaliser le besoin de guérison intérieure est la première étape!

Dieu a des plans incroyables pour vous (Jérémie 29:11) et la douleur que vous ressentez maintenant n'est pas ce que Dieu vous réserve.

At Home

Get healed in Jesus name! 
Overcome your anxiety.

For over 13 years, Pastor Timothy has been used by God to help thousands to gain freedom from the enemy's stronghold. Learn how to use God's word for spiritual warfare through inner healing and recognize the enemy's tactics when he comes against you.

Start experiencing the Joy of the Lord over your life, start being led by the Lord and begin to hear His voice even clearer. Stop the bad cycles in your life of anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, worthlessness and rise victorious in Jesus Christ.

Get Healed and restored by the Lord over relationships, marriages and trauma. Fulfil your destiny and be the person God called you to be.

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Anxiety & depression come in many forms.

That’s why we specialize in treating the full-spectrum of related conditions.  ​Our Pastoral staff help you get the help you need to live fuller lives and find hope in Jesus.

  • Major Depressive Disorder

  • ​Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 

  • Insomnia

  • Panic Disorder 

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (Sad)

  • Acute Stress Disorder

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  • Phobia and Irrational Fears 

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Separation anxiety disorder

We are passionate about helping you live resilient, joyful, and meaningful lives by walking with the Lord. We use Biblical teaching to provide a solid foundation of support.

If inner healing
 support would bless you or someone you know, please reach out to us. We would love to help!

Testimony of Healing:
Anxiety, Identity, Rejection, Misunderstood, Feeling Alone, Devastation & Feeling Lost. Inner Healing & Testimony of Healing.

Finally feel the relief, confidence and freedom that comes with the understanding of who you are in Christ as you Wage Spiritual Warfare against the enemy.


Be Victorious in Jesus name!


  • Heal Elevated Emotions (Fear, Anxiety, Anger, Rejection, Abandonment, Despair)

  • Heal Trauma (Physical or Mental) (Psalm 137)

  • Heal Abuse (Verbal, Physical, or Sexual) (Psalm 9:9)

  • Heal struggling with repeated emotional overreaction (James 1:20)

  • Heal PTSD (Psalm 27:1-3)

  • Heal Pain or illness that moves around the body (Job 2:7)

  • Heal Health Issues that Doctors can’t diagnose (Luke 8:43-48)

  • Heal Eating Disorders, Bulimia, Anorexia (1 Corinthians 6:19–20)

  • Heal the Inability or difficulty reading the Bible or praying

  • Heal MPD (multiple personality disorder) (Luke 4:41)

  • Heal DID (dissociative identity disorder)

  • Heal Suicidal thoughts (Ephesians 5:29) & Thoughts of Self Harm (Leviticus 19:28)

  • Heal Demonic Oppression (Seeing (Psalm 4:8), Hearing (Matthew 4:1-11) & Feeling Demons)


About Pastor Timothy Tomlinson
My name is Pastor Timothy Tomlinson, and I have dedicated over 15 years to ministry, serving in various capacities including worship pastor, youth pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. I have been privileged to lead my own church, Kingdom Bible Church, and for the past 14 years, I have been the guiding force behind Healing the Brokenhearted, a Christian Counseling Ministry.

I bring to my role a rich blend of experience and specialized training as a Christian counselor and spiritual guide. My professional journey in counseling began with New Life Ministries, where I was deeply involved in both group and individual sessions, focusing on marriage guidance and support for troubled youth. Under the mentorship of Senior Pastor Lawrence Fontana and Associate Pastor Carol Paris, I gained invaluable insights and skills. Their guidance was instrumental in shaping my approach to counseling, particularly in developing a deep understanding of diverse personal and spiritual struggles. This experience has been fundamental in equipping me to provide empathetic and effective counsel, allowing me to connect with and support individuals through their unique life challenges and spiritual journeys.

Under the mentorship of Dr. Scott Bicton, a respected expert in Christian Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Exorcisms, I honed my skills in these sensitive and profound areas of spiritual healing. Additionally, my formal training in Biblical Counseling from New Life Ministries has equipped me with an extensive understanding of scriptural wisdom, enriching my ability to guide individuals through life's challenges with faith-based solutions.

In my current role at Healing the Brokenhearted, we specialize in pastoral counseling, inner healing, deliverance, exorcisms, and facilitating encounters with Jesus as judge in the Courts of Heaven. Our mission is to aid individuals who are grappling with broken hearts, demonic oppression, and various obstacles that impede their spiritual and emotional progress. We offer personalized sessions, including opportunities for deliverance and to present cases in the heavenly courts.

My personal testimony is one of experiencing God's healing power firsthand. Having been delivered from a tobacco addiction and the heartache following the loss of my daughter, I am a living testament to His grace and mercy. This journey fuels my passion for sharing His love and healing power with others.

If you are seeking healing and restoration, I warmly invite you to connect with me and my dedicated team at Healing the Brokenhearted. We are committed to walking alongside you on your journey, helping you to experience the profound love and transformative power of Jesus.

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